Operation Round Up


Operation Round-Up is a community service program funded by the members of Wharton County Electric Cooperative, Inc. All participating residential and small commercial members’ bills are rounded up to the nearest dollar, and the extra change goes into the Wharton County Electric Cooperative Charitable Fund which is distributed to local non-profit organizations. The average annual tax-deductible contribution is about $6 per account enrolled.

For example, if a monthly bill is $92.56, it is automatically rounded up to $93.00.

Operation Round-Up was started in 2003 and is a separate entity from WCEC. Funds are spent locally and are intended to benefit 501(c)(3) organizations within the cooperative service area. Since 2003, over $300,000 has been given to local non-profits through Operation Round Up.


Thank you to our members who are currently participating. Your contributions make a huge positive impact on our community!

Blessing CupBGCECTexana Center


Funds from Operation Round Up are collected into the WCEC Charitable Fund and then distributed throughout the year to local 501(c)3 organizations. Non-profit organizations must apply for funding each year. The application process includes proof of 501(c)3 status and an explanation of how the requested funds serve our community.


100 CLUB OF WHARTON COUNTY is a volunteer, nonprofit organization committed to giving back to the men and women in local law enforcement. Call 979-543-9605 for more information.

BLESSING CUP STOREHOUSE is located at 507 Bruns in El Campo and offers assistance to the needy in the way of food, clothing, and other essentials. The storehouse can be reached at 979-543-8203.

BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF EL CAMPO is located at 713 Fahrenthold in El Campo and offers after-school and summer programs for area youth. The club can be reached at 979-543-8320. Find out more about its services at bgcelcampo.org.

COALITION TO COMBAT HUMAN TRAFFICKING is a nonprofit group that works passionately to bring awareness, education, training, and victim services to help combat both labor and sex trafficking. Funds received from the WCEC Charitable Fund will be used for education and awareness programs in the WCEC service territory.

CROSS ROADS HAM RADIO CLUB is a volunteer organization created to train and license new amateur radio operators to grow the current coverage area and maintain existing equipment. This network is meant to provide emergency and disaster recovery communication. For more information, email info@crhrc.org

DANISH HERITAGE SOCIETY is a non-profit organization responsible for maintaining and operating the Danish Heritage Museum in Danevang. The museum is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 1-4 p.m. Visit danevangtx.org for more information.

EL CAMPO ART ASSOCIATION operates The Art Center at 201 W. Monseratte in El Campo bringing local artists together for mutual inspiration and advancement. It strives to educate others and maintain an artistic presence in the community. The center can be reached at 979-543-0911.

EL CAMPO COMMUNITY EVENTS coordinates a community-wide Thanksgiving meal each year in El Campo. This year will mark the 25th year for the event to be held at the El Campo Civic Center at 2350 N. Mechanic.

EL CAMPO LADY LIONS is a chartered club for District 254 Lions Charities. The Lady Lions are active in community service projects, donating to other organizations, and awarding scholarships. Visit facebook.com/elcampoladylionsclub for more information.

GARWOOD VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT is an all-volunteer department providing fire and EMS services to the Garwood and Nada communities. For more information, email garwoodvfd@gmail.com.

GIFT OF ADOPTION is a non-profit organization providing financial assistance to complete domestic and international adoptions. Funds donated through the WCEC Charitable Fund are held to support the adoption of a child into a family living in the WCEC service area. If you are facing a financial hurdle in your adoption journey and live in Wharton, Matagorda, or Colorado County, please visit giftofadoption.org/apply-for-a-grant for more information.

GULF COAST COURT APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES is a nonprofit organization that recruits and trains volunteers to advocate for the best interests of local children as they navigate the foster care system. Gulf Coast CASA serves Wharton and Matagorda counties. Visit gulfcoastcasa.org for more information.

HELPING HANDS MINISTRY is a local 501(c)3 organization that serves to help the economically disadvantaged. For more information, email astrarup@yahoo.com.

LOUISE BEAUTIFICATION is a volunteer, nonprofit organization partnering with the Louise/Hillje Chamber of Commerce to keep the two communities clean, safe, and desirable for current and future residents.

MANNA MEALS is located at 500 Foerster in El Campo and is an all-volunteer organization whose goal is to minister to people who may struggle to put food on the table and/or need fellowship at no cost to the individual. Hot meals are served each Monday and Thursday evenings from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

NORTHSIDE EDUCATION CENTER is located at 707 Fahrenthold in El Campo. The nonprofit organization offers adult continuing education and workforce training opportunities. The center also provides meeting rooms and a public computer lab. Find out more about the center’s services at northsidecenter.com.

RAINBOW ROOM is a nonprofit organization that assists the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (CPS) by providing clothing, toiletries, and other necessities to children needing their services. The organization also works to provide Christmas gifts for children in foster care during the holidays. For additional information, email cps.wharton.matagorda@gmail.com.

TEXANA CENTER is a 501(c)3 public, not-for-profit, organization that provides behavioral healthcare and developmental disabilities services. The center operates a Learning Center at 123 First in El Campo. Find out more about the center’s services at texanacenter.com.

THE CRISIS CENTER is a community-based, volunteer-supported organization that provides shelter and support to victims of family violence, child abuse, and sexual assault in Matagorda and Wharton Counties. The center offers a 24-hour Crisis Hotline at 1-800-451-9235. Find out more about its services at crisiscnt.com.

WHARTON COUNTY CARES is a volunteer, nonprofit organization committed to supporting cancer patients in Wharton County. 

WHARTON COUNTY YOUTH FAIR promotes educational programs and activities for the benefit of the youth of Wharton County who are interested in agriculture, livestock production, and associated industries. The nonprofit organization maintains the fairgrounds in Crescent, presents the county fair each year, and awards scholarships to local youth. Visit whartoncountyyouthfair.org.


El Campo Medical Foundation
El Campo Red Wave Booster Club
Everyday Heroes, Inc.
Garwood Association of Restoration
Just Do It Now
Toys for Tots


Join Operation Round Up by submitting the form linked below. Each account you enter will be enrolled. You will start to see your Operation Round Up contributions on your next bill. Thank you for participating - your change is making a big difference!