Annual Meeting Details




Your Voice Matters

One of the many benefits of co-op membership is voting for your board representative during the Annual Meeting of Members.

Under WCEC’s bylaws, each year the cooperative holds a meeting of members to communicate the cooperative’s activities and financial status for the past year. The purpose of the annual meeting is to approve the minutes of the last annual meeting, review the financial report for the past fiscal year, and vote on board candidates.
You are a member of WCEC and, as a member-owner, you have voting rights. Your participation is a fundamental power that flows from you to your electric cooperative. You have the power to discuss issues with friends and neighbors and elect your board representation. That democratic right – which includes one vote by every cooperative member – is one of the most important differences between electric cooperatives and investor-owned electric utilities. This is your opportunity to have a voice in the business affairs of the cooperative, the business you own.